
Monday, 31 July 2017

Tāia mai! - The final decorations (5)


Ka pai ahau ki te peita i ngā tapatoru me ngā tapawhā.
I drew triangles and squares because I like them.


Ko te whakamārama mō tōku tāhua, ko tētahi haerenga ki roto i te ngahere. He haerenga tino nui mō tētahi kōtiro mō tōna huritau, nā tōna pīrangi. Ka mau i a ia he pākā i te taha i a ia, ka kite i a Tamanui te Rā me ngā rākau. Ka kī ia hmm, kei te matekai ahau, kātahi ka maumahara ki te pākā i raua ki roto i tōna pēke, ā ka kai.

My stencil (top) is about a journey into the forest. A girl wanted to take a big trip into the forest for her birthday. She took a burger with her, and she saw the sun and all the trees. After a while she thought, hmm, I'm really hungry! Then she remembered she'd tucked the burger into her bag, and she ate it.


Ki te hīkoi haere ki waho, ka kite ahau i ngā putiputi ātaahua i runga i tēnei rākau. I te wā i haere au ki te rūma o Matua Makaira, ka kī ia "Me tuhi koe i tētahi pikitia hei peita ki runga i ngā taonga". I āhua raru au i te wā tuatahi, tuarua, tuatoru hoki, kātahi ka whakaaro mō tēnei putiputi.

When I go outside I see beautiful flowers on this plant.
When I went to Matua Makaira's room, he said to draw a picture to paint onto the instruments. I got a bit stuck the first time, and the second and third, but then I thought of drawing this flower.


Ko te kaupapa o taku tāhua, ko ngā koru o te ngahere, me te manawanui ki te tangata.

My stencil is about the fern fronds of the forest, and love and dedication to people.

Tracey (right)

Ko tēnei kōtiro a Lucy, i tētahi rā i pahū tōna iwi i tōna rā whānau. Engari kāre ia i tino mōhio, nō reira ka ngaro a Lucy ki roto i te ngahere. Kāre ia i mokemoke, e noho ana tōna tetipea, a Smokey, i tōna taha. Koirā ka haere mai tētahi tama ki tōna taha, ā ka pū. Ka rongo a Lucy i te pū a tērā tamaiti, kātahi ka oma ia ki ngā maunga! Auē, i reira tonu te tamaiti e whakamate ana i tōna iwi, ā ka mate hoki a Lucy. Engari i kōnā tōna tetipea, a Smokey.

There was a girl named Lucy, and there was an explosion in her village but she never knew. She was lost in the woods. The only thing she had with her was her stuffed bear, Smokey. But soon a man was holding a gun, he was the one who made the explosions. She ran to the mountains with her bear, but soon she was shot. People only remembered her by her bear, Smokey.


Kei roto i tōku pikitia he honu, he pūrerehua hoki.
There is a turtle and a butterfly in my picture.

Jahlarn (top)

Kei roto i taku tāhua ko Tamanui te Rā, he manawa, he porowhita hoki.
My stencil has the sun, hearts and circles in it.


E pā ana taku tauira ki ngā ahurea o te Māori me Awherika.
My design is about the culture of Māori and Africa.

Aria (orange stencil)

E pā ana taku tāhua ki ngā putiputi me ngā momo kōpure i kōwhiri ahau, i te mea e rata ana ahau ki ngā putiputi.
My stencil has flowers and other types of shapes I chose, as I like flowers.

Taikaha (orange pipes)

I tuhia tēnei pikitia mō te kirihimete i te pō. He rākau, he marama, he whakarākei hoki kei roto.
This picture shows the night of Christmas, with the moon, a tree and decorations.


E pā ana tōku tāhua ki ētahi putiputi. Ko te putiputi kei waenganui te mea matua, ā ko ngā rākau pērā i te putiputi e puāwai ana.
My stencil shows flowers. The middle flower is the main one, and the sticks are like a flower blooming.

Rangi Apiti

E pupuri ana ahau i tētahi taonga puoro me te peita i runga, nāku i mahi. I kōwhiri au i tēnei tauira nā te mea he pai ngā koru ki ahau.
I am holding the instrument with the paint I printed onto it. I chose this pattern because I like koru.


E pā ana tōku pikitia ki ngā mangōpare o Urutengangana me ngā koru o āna tēina, arā ko Tāne Mahuta, ko Tāwhirimātea, ko Rongomātāne, ko Tūmatauenga, ko Haumiatiketike, ko Tangaroa, ko Rūaumoko hoki.
My picture shows the mangōpare (double spiral motif) of Urutengangana, and the koru (spirals) of his brothers: Tāne Mahuta, Tāwhirimātea, Rongomātāne, Tūmatauenga, Haumiatiketike, Tangaroa, and Rūaumoko.

Exciting news update!

Next week I will be making the final instrument for the sound garden. I came across this awesome video a while ago, and I've decided to make one myself: Mobilya Davullar. It will be the perfect taonga to add to our collection, an interesting mix of untuned percussive sounds to give a rhythmic base to all the tuned instruments I've already built, with a really fun and accessible way of activating them. But how to make?

Thankfully, a friend put me onto this clever artist in the US who creates 'musical furniture' like this, and whose videos generously show how he does it: Tor Clausen’s musical table. Watch this space for the finished product!

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