
Saturday, 5 August 2017

Tāia mai! - The final decorations (4)


E pā ana tōku pikitia ki a Tāne Mahuta. Ko te Oahupūngao te kaupapa, ā ko Tāne te hā tuatahi o ngā mea katoa.
My picture is about Tāne Mahuta. My focus is on energy saving, and how Tāne gave life to all things.

 Aaliyah and Jahmaine

Aaliyah (middle kōrere)
E tohu ana tōku pikitia ki ngā painga o tōku rā, ā, koinei te rā pai ki ahau, nā te mea koinei ngā kōrero whakamīharo. He tohu te rā mō te painga o te rā, ka rua he tohu te koru hei whakamana i tōku iwi Māori me tōku reo hoki, ka toru he tohu te pūrerehua mō te rerehua o ngā rangi.
My picture shows the blessings of the day, and today is a good day. Here are the stories within. The sun symbol shows the goodness of the sun, the koru (spiral) shows respect for my Māori people and my language, and the butterfly represents the beauty of the skies.

Jahmaine (second kōrere)
Ko te tikanga o tēnei pikitia ko ngā momo ahurea kua tūtakina e au. Ko Hāmoa tētahi, ā ko tōku haukāinga tētahi. E tohu ana te pūrerehua me te putiputi i tōku taha Hāmoa. E tohu ana ngā koru me ngā poutama i tōku taha Māori.
The meaning of this picture is the different cultures I have come across. One is Samoan and the other my homeland. The butterfly and the flower represent my Samoan side, and the koru and poutama (step pattern) show my Māori side.


E pā ana tēnei pikitia ki tētahi pūrerehua e pai ana ki ngā putiputi.

This picture is about a butterfly who likes flowers.


E pā ana tēnei pikitia ki tētahi manu o te ngahere. I tīpako au i te manu nā te mea he tino pai te āhua ki ahau.
This picture is a bird from the forest. I chose it because it looks good.

Jahlaesha and Ani

Jahlaesha (pink stencils)
E pā ana tēnei pikitia ki tōku putiputi. Ko tōna ingoa ko Ngahina. He pēpi a Ngahina i te wā i tīkina ai e mātou ko tōku teina, tōkua kaihanga hoki. I tiki mātou i ngā putiputi nei i ngā tāngata nō Hāmoa e hīkoi ana i tō mātou huarahi, ā ka tapa mātou ki ngā ingoa.
My picture is a flower that I call Ngahina. Ngahina was just a baby when I got her. My sister, my cousin and I all got one from some Samoan people who were walking down our street giving away free flowers, and we gave them names.

Ani (orange stencils)
Ko te take i mahi au i tēnei tāhua, nā te mea e pai ana ahau ki ngā putiputi. He tino ātaahua, ā he maha ngā tae.
I did this stencil because I really like flowers. They are beautiful and come in lots of different colours.


E pā ana tēnei pikitia ki te ao o te ngahere. He wētā, he manu kei roto.
My picture is about the world of the forest. There is a wētā and a bird in it.


He ngāngara te kaupapa o tōku whakaāhua. Kua tuhia ngā kapokapowai me ngā pūrerehua.
My picture is of insects, and I've drawn dragonflies and butterflies.


Ko ngā tauira i roto i tōku pikitia, i whiriwhiri au i te pukapuka i tīkina mai i Tūrakirae.
I chose the patterns in my picture from a book in Tūrakirae.


Ko ngā whetū te kaupapa o taku pikitia. Inapō i karakia mātou mō ngā whetū i te rangi. Ka karakia ia pō.
My picture is about the stars. Last night we prayed for the stars in the sky. We pray each night.


E pā ana tēnei pikitia ki ngā pūrerehua e rere ana ki te rangi. Ā, kei te rere ki ngā putiputi ki te kai. Ko te take i tīpako ahau i ngā pūrerehua, i te mea he ngāngara pai, he ngāngara ātaahua.
My picture is of butterflies flying in the sky. They are flying to the flowers to feed. I chose butterflies because they are good and beautiful insects.

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