
Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Tāia mai! - Te final decorations (6)

Here are the last designs that our Pae 3 students have created and applied to the decorate the instruments. Don't they look great?


E pā ana tōku pikitia ki tētahi manu e noho ana i te ngahere me tana kotahi. He putiputi, he tī kōuka, he harakeke hoki kei roto.
My picture is of a bird sitting by itself in the forest. There are flowers, a tī kōuka (cabbage tree) and harakeke (flax) in it.

Praize (right)

E hono ana tōku whakaāhua ki ngā putiputi. Ki a tātou te tangata, he tino ātaahua ngā putiputi. Engari ko ngā tino putiputi ki a au nei, ko ngā pōhutukawa, i te mea he ātaahua.
My picture is of flowers. People find flowers very beautiful, but the best ones to me are the pōhutukawa, as they are very pretty.

Karipori (left)

Ko Matariki e tohu ana i te Tau Hou Māori te kaupapa o tōku pikitia. Kei runga ko ngā whetū e whā, ā kāre au i whai wāhi mō ngā whetū e toe ana.

My picture shows Matariki heralding the Māori New Year. There are just 4 stars as I didn't have room to fit the rest in.

Manawa and Mila

Manawa (bottom middle)
E pai ana ahau ki tōku tāhua nā te mea he manawa i runga, he taimana i runga hoki.
I like my stencil as it has a heart and a diamond on it.

Mila (bottom right)
I whakamahi ahau i te pūrerehua nā te mea he ātaahua ngā pūrerehua. Ā, i whakamahia te rā nā te mea, ki te kore e whiti mai te rā, kāre tātou e puta ki waho.
I did a butterfly because they are beautiful, and a sun because if the sun doesn't shine we can't go outside to play.

Namana (right)

E pā ana tōku pikitia ki ngā atua Māori, ko Tangaroa, ko Tāne Mahuta, ko Ruaumoko, ko Tūmatauenga, ko Haumietiketike, ko Rongomātāne - ērā atua katoa nā te mea ka awhi rātou i a tātou kia ora ai mātou katoa.
My picture is about our Māori atua - Tangaroa, Tāne Mahuta, Ruaumoko, Tūmatauenga,  Haumietiketike, and Rongomātāne - all those atua as they help us all to be healthy and well.

Kimiora-Rose (left)

He putiputi ēnei. Kāore he tino kaupapa ōku, i tuhi noa ahau i ētahi putiputi nā te mea he pai ki a au te āhua.
These are flowers. I didn't have a real topic, I just drew these because I like flowers.


Ko te kaupapa o tēnei whakaāhua, ko ngā atua Māori e awhi ana i a tātou kia ora ai tātou katoa. Ko te tikanga o tēnei, ka taea e mātou te kai i ngā ika, ngā kararehe, me ngā huawhenua, ā ka taea e mātou te whakahou i ō mātou tinana kia ora ai.

This picture is about our Māori atua, who support us to live well. The idea is that we are able to eat fish, meat and vegetables to make our bodies healthy and strong.

Taimakau (top)

Ko Māui me te rā te kaupapa o tēnei pikitia, i te wā i haere ai ia ki te whakapōturi i a Tamanui te Rā. He matau hoki kei roto.

This picture is about Māui and the sun, showing the time when Māui went to slow him down. There is also a fish hook in it.

Harmony (left)

Ko te kaupapa nei he hononga ki te ngahere, pērā i ngā rākau, me ngā harakeke anō hoki.
My picture relates to the forest, with trees and plants like harakeke (flax).

Ngakau (left)

Ko te kaupapa o tōku whakaāhua, ko te heihei

My picture is a chicken.

Romer (middle bottom)

E pā ana taku pikitia ki te āta tiaki i ngā māra, hei whakatipu kai pai. He rā, he wai kia pai ai te tipu, he kōheru hei kuhu ki roto i te papa.
My picture is about carefully looking after the gardens to grow healthy kai. There is a sun and water to help plants grow, and a shovel to put into the earth.


E pā ana tōku pikitia ki ngā tohunga o Ngāti Porou. Ko ia rārangi e tohu ana ki ngā tohunga katoa.
My picture refers to the tohunga of Ngāti Porou. Each line indicates the tohunga.


He kararehe ēnei.
My design is of animals.

Amelia (bottom left)

I te peita ngā tamariki i ngā pikitia, ā ko tōku pikitia ko te fox me te ruru.
When we were doing our paintings we could choose any design we wanted. I did an owl and a fox.

Tristan, Reitu and Desire

Ko te kaupapa o tōku pikitia ko te karakia i mahi mātou i te taha o Matua Whaitiri, "Kia hora te mārino".
My picture describes the karakia that Matua Whaitiri does with us, "Peace be everywhere". (Matua Whaitiri teaches mou rākau at the kura - Māori martial arts).


Ka pai ahau ki taku tāhua nā te mea he tohu mō taku whānau. Ko te pātikitiki, te poutama me te koru kei runga.
I like my stencil because it represents my family. It has pātikitiki, poutama and a koru on it (symbols from tukutuku and kōwhaiwhai art).


Kei runga i taku tāhua ko ngā mea tekau mā ono, tētahi wheke, he makō nunui me tētahi pūngāwerewere.
On my stencil there are 16 things, including a squid, an enormous shark and a spider.
Kua tutuki!

With the end of term 3 today we have now finished decorating all the instruments. Phew! It's been a big process getting through everyone, but now the taonga aren't just things that I made, they are taonga that each ākonga has invested their own ideas and creativity into. And they look beautiful! I can walk around the collection now and identify pretty much every student from Pae 3 who painted each particular design, and I've enjoyed seeing the ākonga point theirs out to each other as well.  

With this phrase of the project complete it is time to return to a focus on puoro for term 4, as we prepare for the Puāwaitanga (end of year performances). I will finish making the last instrument in the holidays, a percussion table which I am very excited about adding to the collection. More on that soon! Expect to see some more videos of our tamariki showing off their skills, and eventually a date set for the grand opening in 2019. Happy holidays!

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