Te Rangi
Kei te whakaaro au mō tēnei pikitia, ā he tino pai te pikitia. Anei te pūrākau: kei waenganui i te whakaāhua he wairua. Kei te taha mauī he tino koru. Kei te taha matau he koru anō. Engari he tino pai ngā mahi katoa.
I think this picture is pretty cool. This is the story behind it: in the middle is a spirit. On the left side and on the right are koru (spirals). But I like all of the parts.
Ko tēnei tōku kaupapa mō tōku pikitia. He tino pai tōku pikitia, he pai te āhua me te karaka. Ko ngā tāmoko te mea tino pai ki ahau, ā e piri ana ki runga i tētahi taonga.
I really like my picture, the shapes and the colour, and especially the subject which is tā moko. My artwork is now on one of the instruments.
Te Kapua o te Rangi
Ko te kaupapa o taku tāhua ko te aihikirīmi. He tino reka te aihikirīmi rōpere ki a au.
My stencil features an icecream. I really like strawberry icecream.
Maharanui and Mahuta i te Rangi
Ko tōku whakaaro mō tōku pikitia, ko ngā whetū e pā ana ki Matariki, ā ko ngā marama he tino ātaahua ki ahau.
In my picture the stars are for Matariki, and the moons are there because they are beautiful to me.
Mahuta i te Rangi
E pā ana taku pikitia ki te rā. Ka mou te rā i a Māui, ka kukume a ia i te rā ā ka kī "Āta haere!)
My picture is about the sun. Māui caught the sun and pulled him down, saying "Slow down!"
Tipene and Te Atamarie
Tipene (middle picture)
Ko te tohu mō taku pikitia, ko Aotearoa. Mēnā ka kite koe i te kiwi, ka tiaki i a ia. Ko te kiwi te kararehe pai o Aotearoa.
My stencil is about Aotearoa. If you see a kiwi, you have to look after it The kiwi is the great bird of Aotearoa.
My stencil is about Aotearoa. If you see a kiwi, you have to look after it The kiwi is the great bird of Aotearoa.
Te Atamarie (right)
Ko te ingoa o taku tāhua ko Arite, nā te mea kua pau te hau o Arite. Ko Arite tētahi manu, pērā i te pepe.
My stencil is called Arite, as she is exhausted. Arite is a flying creature, like a moth.
Ko te ingoa o taku tāhua ko Arite, nā te mea kua pau te hau o Arite. Ko Arite tētahi manu, pērā i te pepe.
My stencil is called Arite, as she is exhausted. Arite is a flying creature, like a moth.
Te Rira (left hand picture)
He pai a Tamanui te Rā nā te mea, i te wā ka whiti mai te rā ka taea e mātou katoa te tākaro i te poiwhana me te whutupōro.
The sun is good because when it is shining we can all play soccer and rugby.
Ko te take i kōwhiria tēnei pikitia, he manu Māori tēnei, he ingoa Māori hoki, ā he pai ake te tūī.
I chose this picture because tūī are a Māori bird with a Māori name, and they are awesome.
Ko te take o tōku pikitia, ko tōku aroha mō te taiao. Kei roto ko te manawa, te rā, he pūrerehua, me te aihe.
My picture shows the love I have for Mother Nature. A heart, a butterfly, a dolphin and the sun are in it.
Kei runga i tōku tāhua he karauna, he manawa karauna me ngā pikitia o tētahi putiputi i runga i te tēpu o Matua Makaira.My stencil has a crown, a heart, and a picture of a flower that was on Matua Makaira's table.
Malenia drawing her picture to be cut as a stencil
My stencil features a block, a spider, and a line.
I timata ahau i tēnei mahi i te wiki tuatoru, ā kua roa te wā e mahi ana mātou. Ko tēnei te rā i oti pai, nā te hikaka o māua ko Rhobe. Ko te take o taku pikitia, ko te tāmoko o te aroha.
I've been working on stencils since week 3, quite a while really. Rhobe and I finished ours today and were excited about it. My stencil (bottom left) is a tāmoko of love.
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