
Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Tāia mai! - The final decorations (2)

Tahiti Maxwell-Biddle

Ko te take i tīpako ai au ki te whakamahi i tēnei tāhua, arā ko ngā rākau o Tāne Whakapiripiri, he tino māmā te tuhi, he ātaahua hoki ngā rākau.
I chose to make this stencil of the trees of Tāne Whakapiripiri because they were simple to draw, and trees are beautiful.

Te Maioha Nohotima-Hunia

Ko  ngā pāraerae tōku kaupapa. Ko ngā mea tino pai ki ahau ko te āhua me te kara.
My picture is of sandals. I like the shape and colour of them.

Keelan Heemi-Alofaifo and Te Purewa Akuhata

E pā ana tōku tāhua ki tōku karangatahi i mate ai. Ko te manawa me ngā parirau anahera, ko tōku karangatahi. Ko te tohu puoro, e pā ana ki ngā waiata i pai ki a ia. Ko te putiputi hei whakaatu i te temepara Buddist.

My stencil is about my cousin who passed away. The heart with the angel wings represents my cousin. The music symbol represents the songs that they liked, and the flower represents a Buddist temple.

Te Purewa
Ko te kaupapa o tōku hāraunga ko Aotearoa. Ki te whakaaro ahau ki Aotearoa, ka pupū ake te whakaaro o ngā manu e tangi waiata ana me te rere haere.

My print is about Aotearoa (New Zealand). When I think about Aotearoa, the thoughts that spring up inside me are of our birds singing and flying about.

Leigh Te Ahuru-Lam Sheung

Ka tino aroha au ki āku mahi me ngā kōpure. Ka aroha ki ngā kōpure kararehe pēnei te āhua. Pai au ki te aihe - ia te wā ka kitea te kōpure nei, ka pīrangi au ki te kanikani!
I love my pictures with their blobs of colour. I love animal shapes like these. I like dolphins, and each time I see my dolphin, I want to dance!

 Tyneesha Gooch

Ko te pūtake o tōku tāhua ko te wao nui a Tāne. I tuhi au i ngā rākau me ngā rau, me tētahi manu hoki. Ko te manu nei, ko te tūī.
My stencil is based on the great forest of Tāne. I drew trees, leaves and a bird. The bird is a tūī.

William Alderson

He pai ētahi o aku mahi i runga i ngā taonga, te peita pikitia mā te kōpure me te tā.
I liked creating pictures by drawing blobs and printing them to put some of my artworks on the instruments.

Annastasha Aramoana-Pakipaki and William Alderson
Annastasha's artwork is on the end pipes, and William's in the middle.

Kihirangi Taramai

E pā ana tōku tāhua ki te ngahere, nā te mea e pai ana ki ahau te tākaro ki waho, me te titiro ki ngā putiputi. Ko te mea pai ki ahau mō tōku tāhua, ko ngā puapua o ōku putiputi.

My stencil is about the forest, as I like playing outside and enjoying the flowers. The best thing I like about my picture is the petals.

Kitana Watene and Ace Samuels

I mahi au he genie ki runga i te tāhua, ā ka tino pai tērā. I āwhina mai a Matua Makaira i ahau.
I did a genie lamp on my stencil, and I really like it. Matua helped me with it.

Ko tōku kaupapa ko te raiona. He nui te raiona, ā ka piri ia ki te pakitara.
Mine is a lion. He is big and stays close to the wall.

Anahera Rihari-Moeau

He anahera kei runga i taku tāhua. Ki ōku whakaaro he atua pea te anahera nei. He whetū te tohu tuarua. Ia pō titiro ai au ki te rangi, ka whakaaro mō tōku teina. Ko te rā te tohu tuatoru. Ia ata ka titiro ahau ki runga, ka mamae ōku karu.

There is an angel on my stencil. To me, the angel could be an atua. The second symbol is a star. When I look at the stars each night, I think of my sister. The third symbol is the sun. When I look out at the sun in the morning it hurts my eyes.

I had to add this extra photo of Keelan Heemi-Alofaifo looking so proud of her mahi on the kōrere tanguru. Mouri ora e nō!

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