
Monday, 28 August 2017

Tāia mai! - The final decorations (1)

Finally we are doing the final application of students' stencils onto the taonga, using permanent Resene paint. Exciting! Here are some of our ākonga with their beautiful artworks, and the thoughtful meanings they've put into them. I've added some translations (tricky!) of their words for our whānau who don't speak te reo.

Hineora Tihi

Ko ngā pūrerehua tōku kaupapa. Ko ngā mea e pai ana ki ahau, ko te peita i ngā tāhua. Ko te mea kāre ahau e rata ana ko te kore, engari tau kē te mahi i ngā tāhua.
My pictures are of butterflies. I really enjoyed painting the stencils. There was nothing I didn't like - stenciling was awesome!

 Hawaiiki Mapu and Annastasha Aramoana-Pakipaki

Hawaiiki: Ngā kete e toru
Kei te kete tuatahi ko te rā. Kei te kete tuarua ko te marama. Kei te kete tuatoru ko ngā whetū. Ko tētahi take ka pai ahau ki taku pikitia nā te mea e rata ana ahau ki te marama me ngā whetū i ngā pō. Ko tētahi take anō ka pai ahau ki taku pikitia, mēnā kāore i a tātou he rā, kāore e taea e tātou te kite i ō mātou kai me ērā mea atu, nō reira ko tērā te take ka pai ahau ki te rā.

The three kits
In the first kit is the sun, in the second the moon, and in the third is the stars.
One reason I like my picture is that I like seeing the moon and stars at night. Also, if we didn't have the sun, we wouldn't be able to see our food and other things, so that is why I like the sun.

E pā ana tōku pikitia ki ngā putiputi ātaahua. Ko te ingoa o ngā putiputi nei ko te rose. Kātahi ka peita au i te putiputi ki runga i te pakakau.
My picture is about beautiful flowers. These ones I have painted on the marimba are roses.

Te Arani Vulu

E pā ana tōku pikitia ki tōku kuia me tōna kaha ki te whakatipu putiputi!
My picture is about my grandmother and her great ability to grow flowers!

 Anzack Samuels and Te Karauna Moses

Ko tōku kaupapa ko te mana. Ko te mea pai ki a au ko te koru i runga i te pouaka.
My picture is about mana. My favourite part is the koru (spiral motif) on the ding box.

Te Karauna
Ko tōku kaupapa ko te manu. I pai ahau ki te peita i taku pikitia i runga i te pouaka.
My picture is a bird. I liked painting it onto the ding box.

Amy-Leigh Commane

Ko ngā mea o tōku pikitia e rata ana au, ko ngā rākau. I tāngia e au tēnei pikitia nā te mea ka āhua pai au ki te hanga o te rākau.
I like the plants in my picture. I painted them because I kind of like their shape.

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